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Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Paula Martinac is an award-winning novelist, editor, and instructor who calls NoDa home
People of Charlotte, please meet Paula Martinac. As a novelist, editor, creative writing instructor at UNC Charlotte, and writing coach...

Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Landis Wade pivots from the courtroom to pursue storytelling through writing and podcasting
People of Charlotte, please meet Landis Wade, Producer and Host of Charlotte Readers Podcast and Author of The Christmas Courtroom...

Mai-Lis Bahr
3 min read
Cheryl Hoover aka Pharmacy In Your Kitchen
People of Charlotte, please meet Cheryl Hoover, a Charlottean who wants to change the way Charlotte thinks about food, one bite at a...

Mai-Lis Bahr
3 min read
Shana Hannibal demonstrates the power of education
People of Charlotte, please meet Shana Hannibal. Shanna has experienced enormous loss and adversity and allowed those events to fuel her...

Mai-Lis Bahr
6 min read
Shelly Henderson: you can’t keep your strengths and talents to yourself
Shelly L. Henderson is a wife, mother, author, and business owner—she is a voice of reason and reality. You can pick up a copy of her...

Mai-Lis Bahr
6 min read
Dr. Sharon Jones shares the code to her successes
People of Charlotte, please get to know Dr. Sharon Jones Ed.D, founder and CEO of thedot.Consulting and the Dottie Rose Foundation, where...

Mai-Lis Bahr
2 min read
Teresa B. Howell gets playful about faith!
That Church Life Author Teresa B. Howell explores faith, the good and the bad, in her books and play. Her trilogy has now been turned...

Arden McLaughlin
7 min read
Spiritual author, Michael Love, "Why I share my experience."
The original story has been modified for this publication edition. Leading people into a space where they experience their...

Mai-Lis Bahr
6 min read
Obsessed with true crime stories? Cathy Pickens shares Charlotte's most notorious cases!
People of Charlotte, meet writer Cathy Pickens! Cathy is well known for her Avery Andrews Southern Fried Mystery series. She has a...

Mai-Lis Bahr
8 min read
Patrice Gopo crosses continents to awaken the writer within
People of Charlotte, please meet award-winning Author, Patrice Gopo! Patrice recognizes the power and importance of sharing personal...

Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Jack Grossman shares a true story through his book, Child of the Forest, that is unforgettable
Child of the Forest is based on the life story of a courageous young girl who bore witness to humanity’s darkest time.

Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Dr. Sharon Jones, Founder of the Dottie Rose Foundation, is empowering tech savvy girls
People of Charlotte, please meet Dr. Sharon Jones, a Charlottean on a mission to educate and empower girls in the technology field. She...

Mai-Lis Bahr
4 min read
People of Charlotte Founder, Mai-Lis Bahr, publishes her first children's book
I can't believe this storytelling platform just celebrated its 3rd anniversary! When I launched People of Charlotte, it was a grassroots...

Mai-Lis Bahr
7 min read
Pedro Salazar on ambition and curiosity: an American story
When did you move to the U.S.? I moved to the U.S. from Arequipa, Peru, in 2000 for the first time. I was a Rotary exchange student in...

Mai-Lis Bahr
8 min read
A thyroid expert and her patient coauthor a new book: What You Must Know About Hashimoto's Disease
Allison Futterman is a writer for People of Charlotte. In addition to her work for POC, her writing has been published in local and...

Mai-Lis Bahr
3 min read
Tommy Tomlinson, author of Elephant in the Room, shares the story behind his WFAE SouthBound Podcast
Charlotte’s own Tommy Tomlinson is local treasure. A gifted and accomplished writer who many people know best from the many years he...

Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Buff Faye - a larger than life leader for the Charlotte LGBTQ community
Who is Buff Faye? I like to think of her as a “charity queen,” raising money for Campus Pride and other non-profits, as well as raising...

5 min read
Eboni K. Williams is a television host, speaker, author and attorney; pretty powerful!
You might know Eboni K. Williams from her time on Fox News. But did you know that her other accomplishments include successful lawyer,...

Mai-Lis Bahr
5 min read
Book ‘Em, Chad! -- Police officers are creatives too!
People of CLT, meet author and Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Officer, Chad Webster. We met Chad when he published the first book in his...

Mai-Lis Bahr
7 min read
Fabi Preslar, award-winning publisher, storyteller, author, speaker, entrepreneur. Yes, she's al
SPARK Publications specializes in custom design for magazines, catalogs, and books for print, digital, and interactive formats. Founder...
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