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Boris "Bluz" Rogers shares what drives him to be a part of Playing for Others

People of Charlotte, please meet Boris "Bluz" Rogers, advisor for the nonprofit organization, Playing for Others. PFO is a nonprofit organization here in Charlotte that works with students to help them manifest their full potential in a safe, nonjudgmental environment amongst their peers and advisors.

Now let's ask Bluz a couple questions about PFO!

What motivates you to be a part of the nonprofit, Playing for Others (PFO)?

The PFO experience is something I wish I had when I was younger—that's why it's so important to me now. It is a reminder to the adult me that there is an amazing future for the teens who we guide and mentor now. I get to be the beacon I didn't always have and needed when I was younger; I get to share in the joy of seeing someone grow into the their own confidence and talents. In a time where our young people are facing so much adversity, it's good to know that I work with an organization that allows them creative freedom and a space/opportunity to truly be themselves.

Where can the people of Charlotte connect to you and learn more about your story?

IG: @bluzbluzbluz

Playing for Others (PFO) is a leadership training program that combines personal development, service, and the arts to foster leaders who are confident, compassionate and creative.

“Playing for Others (PFO) provides a space for teens to explore and answer the questions, “Who Am I?” and “How will I give of that?” through programming in Personal Development, Service, and the Arts.


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