Bruce Hensley shares his encounters with Alex Trebek and Merv Griffin
Hannah Kay Herdlinger turns to her talents, positivity, and good will after trauma
Karen O'Leary loves creating tangible memories of notable places
Brandi Fox shares the lessons she learned from 2020
Alexandra Kaval helps people find their grace space
Michael Borenstein positively cares!
Cheryl Hoover aka Pharmacy In Your Kitchen
Patricia Dowdy loves to problem solve!
Joy Randall defines beauty
Melody Adams continues to freshen up during quarantine
Brandi Fox is all about you and her entrepreneurial aspirations
Shelly Henderson: you can’t keep your strengths and talents to yourself
Dr. Sharon Jones shares the code to her successes
Kathy Lindert will hypnotize you for an improved you!
Tom Renfrow really sees you
Sybil Godwin of Shain Gallery is a native Charlottean who is going places
Jennifer Purrazzella of Sardis Marketplace on family, community, and daring greatly
Courtney McLellan, from stock trader to legacy creator, on putting fate into your own hands
Rebekah Butler understands that every body has a story and can help you find yours
Arden McLaughlin wants to KNOW you! Meet Arden at an upcoming KNOW event.