What brought you to NC?
I have lived in Charlotte for nine years. I moved here June of 2007 to work on a morning radio show for 96.1 The Beat: Clear Channel’s Brotha Fred’s AM Mayhem with David L, Jacinda & Cubby.
Where are you from?
My parents were in the military so even though this is supposed to be an easy question, it’s a little difficult for us military brats. I was born in Miami, FL, grew up in Frankfurt, Germany and lived in Hampton, VA for the most part.
Where do you currently reside?
I live in Charlotte, more specifically North Charlotte, which is two minutes from Northlake Mall. Not that I’ve clocked it…but I have.
Congratulations on being a newlywed!
I recently married my best friend & co-host of the Charlotte Hornets FlyTy. He has four kids, and we have three dogs. We do a headcount every day we come home or walk out the door.

What is your background and education?
I have been in the radio business for over ten years and the television industry for six years. I have a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Old Dominion and a Masters Degree of Arts in Educational Studies.
What do you do everyday?
I am currently all over the place! The better question would be: what do I NOT do? I am a freelance weather forecaster, reporter and morning host for WCCB-CW, the arena host for the Hornets, and also communications director for my church, Nations Ford Community Church. However, my husband and I have decided to go full-time into Stolen Lunches, which is a nonprofit we started.

How did you get your start in front of the camera?
I learned in the 9th grade that I was weird! I enjoyed speaking in front of the class, while everyone else hated it. I didn’t get nervous at all. I got into this arena by working on a cruise line in Norfolk, VA. I became friends with the DJ and he gave me a tour of the radio station he worked at. I started interning there and the rest is history.
Tell us about Stolen Lunches:
Stolen Lunches is a bible study community where we steal away to be fed by God. We hold bible studies for men and women to join in person or listen and watch virtually.
What is unique about your occupation?
I do not have a regular 9-5 job. I am a free bird and my occupation speaks to this. I live by my calendar since everyday is completely different from the day before. I work out of a co-working space called Hygge in Charlotte. I am constantly networking and meeting with new people, as well as trying to grow our bible study community to inspire and bless more people across the world. Basically, I can’t sit still. I turned my problem into a blessing ☺!
What are you passionate about?
My talent is media but my passion is ministry and serving others.
What motivates you?
When someone says they were blessed by our bible study or that their day has changed because of one of our prayers- this motivates me!

What causes or charities are you involved with?
Hashtag Lunch Bag Clt, Stolen Lunches, InspiHER Conference, NOVO Community Foundation, Project New Heights…
What do you love about the Carolinas?
I love how beautiful it is in the Carolinas, and I love how NICE everyone is.
It feels like family everywhere you go.
What would you say is your proudest accomplishment?
Growing up and becoming a mature adult!
What outdoor activities do you participate in and where?
I love going on walks with my dogs.
Favorite spot in the Carolinas to visit?
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
I’m left handed and I’m super funny! I should be a stand-up comedian.
We heard laughter is a great workout for the body and soul. Any thoughts?
My husband makes me laugh everyday. That’s the reason I married him!
So what’s next? We know by now there is always something in the works!
I am a motivational speaker who is on the verge of publishing my first book titled, “Uniquely Qualified.”
