Originally from?
Nassau, Bahamas.
What is your occupation?
Business Consultant, Speaker, Author, and Customer Service Trainer.
How did your parents impact your childhood?
I grew up around entrepreneurship, travel and fine dining. My parents, who will have been married 50 yrs next year, were very loving and nurturing. At the same time, they had high standards for conduct, dress and spirituality. While my parents had means, my sister and I were not spoiled because they taught us: nothing good comes easy, that you must develop a good work ethic, and learn the value of earning what you would like to have.
What brought you to the Carolinas?
We moved here almost ten years ago from Maryland in order to get further from the frigid winters and to provide our children with a better value for our life.
What is your education or training background?
I am a high school graduate, with a paralegal certification, who graduated a year early in order to pursue a full time bible ministry for seven years. I also have extensive customer service training and education through FEDEX Corp, Hilton Corp. and Mary Kay Inc.
What is unique about your occupation?
I solve business constipation in the area of customer service and problem resolution. So as I like to say, "When you are stuck, I give relief!” It is amazing how companies are satisfied with teaching systems and are failing to equip their staff with "the art of service" training. I help them to see that they have good people in place who just need to be equipped through profit training in order to reach goals.
How did you get into your line of work?
After spending over 30 years working for fortune 500 companies while still pursuing entrepreneurial interests on the side and always being asked to speak, train or coach others in behalf of the company, I decided to branch out and pursue those same skills to impact the lives of others on my own.
What challenges you in your life, work, etc?
My challenges would be work/life balance. As an entrepreneur, it is so easy to work, work, work and not play, spend quality time with the kids and pamper yourself. I work daily to improve this balance.
What are your hobbies?
I am a poet, so I enjoy writing and performing my work. I do utilize my writing skills and have made my books available for purchase in order to increase my income.
What are you passionate about?
Grooming our youth into ladies and gentleman.
What motivates you?
I am motivated by my children; they help me to keep going when I think I can't - and they are there to cheer me on with my accomplishments.
What charities are you involved with?
I support Goodwill Industries through volunteering my professional services to assist with training in their career services department
What do you love about the Carolinas?
I love the beautiful weather, the greenery and the southern hospitality.
Where do you vacation?
I love the water, so any of the beaches in the South like Myrtle Beach, Wilmington, or Hilton Head.
What’s your family like?
I am a single mom with four children: 23yrs, 21yrs, 18yrs, and 8yrs and a grandmother of a seven month old baby boy.
What are your proudest accomplishments?
(1) The publishing of each one of my four books. (2) Earning seven cars - including the prestigious pink cadillac from Mary Kay. (3) Being the guest speaker for the graduation ceremony for a private school. (4) Enjoying a luxury all expense paid trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for exceeding my sales goals. (5) Giving birth to four beautiful children.
What outdoor activities do you participate in and where?
I love strolling through the park while enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery.
What struggles have you faced in your life?
Separation, divorce and single parenting have all been very difficult, creating financial devastation at different periods of time.
Where do you see yourself retiring?
Either Uptown Charlotte or downtown Greenville, SC!
Favorite spot in the Carolinas to visit?
I love Asheville due to the beautiful mountains and the quaintness of their area...makes for a great getaway spot.
What events in your life or family's life have impacted you?
(1) Our move from the islands to the United States opened up a new outlook for us as young children. (2) My 21 year old daughter's one month hospitalization as a result of not being able walk due to stress. (3) My eight year old's hospital visit when her leg sliced open as a result of her running past a bag that had broken glass in.
Have you had a life changing event in your life?
Yes when I was 21 years old, my father took our family on a month long tour of Europe and a week cruise around the Greek Isles. This trip changed everything for me! It opened up my eyes to the beauty of the diverse world we live in and provided the exposure that has molded my perspective of life ever since.
I absolutely love fine dining and have just as much love for cooking!
Favorite TV series?
Law and Order
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
I used to figure skate as a teenager.
If money wasn't an issue, what would you do with your time each day?
Take my children to travel through Europe, Africa and Asia!