People of Charlotte, please meet Shana Hannibal. Shanna has experienced enormous loss and adversity and allowed those events to fuel her drive to fulfilling her dreams and purpose. Now let’s get to know Shana’s story!
How did and does education play a role in your life?
I am an assistant principal at Sullivan Middle School. As an educator of 12 years, my focus is on overcoming obstacles. I grew up about two hours away from here in Orangeburg, SC. Growing up in high poverty, single family circumstances helped me develop perseverance and a drive to improve my situation with education. I worked hard in school, which in turn helped me receive a full scholarship to the College of Charleston. I graduated with honor in education and moved up to Charlotte to begin teaching. I taught for 10 years before becoming an assistant principal.
We hear you are an author. Please share!
During this journey, I met my wonderful husband of 12 years and had two amazing children. My children are 8 and 11 years old and inspired me to begin writing. I recently published my first children’s book entitled, “Marek and Saniah’s Pirate Adventure.”
What tragic event ignited your passion and purpose?
Growing up, I witnessed someone murder my sister. I knew I needed to move out of the community I lived in. My community teemed with violence and drugs. I worked really hard and used my wit to gain academic scholarships. I used my disadvantaged background to inspire my students. I work with many socio-economic disadvantaged students and have found so much success.
Where can we learn more about your educational jounrney and how you aim to inspire others to achieve the same?
Due to my level of success with high poverty children, I decided to document my actions in a memoir. I recently launched my website to blog and share my writings. My memoir focuses on my educational journey from achieving in elementary, middle, and high school to successfully completing my bachelors and two masters degrees. My bachelor’s degree is in middle school education. My first master’s degree is in education, while my second master’s degree is in education administration.The memoir also focuses on how educators find their passion inside and outside of the classroom. Strategies also focuses on how to connect with students of diverse backgrounds.
IG name: @diva_ap85
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