Mai-Lis Bahr

Aug 2, 20195 min

Kathy Lindert will hypnotize you for an improved you!

Updated: Sep 16, 2019

People of Charlotte meet certified hypnotist, Kathy Lindert of The Mental Edge!

Whether it’s smoking, weight loss issues, fears, or anxiety, Kathy helps people to break habits, patterns, and behaviors that are negatively impacting their lives. In addition to hypnosis, she utilizes several techniques that encourage relaxation, reflection, and the creation of encouraging and positive mental associations. She equips people with tools to harness the power of their subconscious minds, so they can make beneficial changes. Kathy’s dynamic personality, warmth, and compassion make her a great choice for anyone considering hypnosis. She’s available for appointments at her Ballantyne office, as well as online sessions. 

Now, let's get to know her story!

Your interest in hypnosis was ignited by your own personal experience. Tell us about that.

I first became familiar with hypnosis with 1987, when I saw a hypnotist to help me stop smoking. It worked, and I haven’t smoked since. Years later, when I started having panic attacks brought about by my fear of driving over bridges, I thought of hypnosis as a way to help myself. I started undergoing training and was able to successfully use the techniques I learned to conquer my anxiety and panic attacks.

And this eventually led to you changing careers, right?

It did. After helping myself, I also helped several family members and friends with a variety of issues—using hypnosis. I realized that this was what I should be doing, so I left the field of mortgage banking, which I had been working in, and pursued a new career as a hypnotist.

How much training have you had?

Over the past 15 years, I’ve had over 1,000 hours of training and I’m a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I’m also a certified trainer, meaning I can (and have) trained others in hypnosis techniques. I love continuing my training because I’m the kind of person who wants to know how and why something works. I’ve always loved learning about the mind. It’s fascinating. Combining all my training with my experience in order to help people is something I’m passionate about.

You mentioned training others. What types of people have you trained?

I’ve trained dentists, dental hygienists, and chiropractors in hypnosis techniques so they could help their patients to relax. I also partnered with cardiologists, oncologists, psychiatrists, and therapists in cases where the use of hypnosis could benefit their patients. 

Who do you work with and how do you work with the medical community?

There have been survivors of sexual abuse or other traumatic events where hypnosis can help people remember an event, if that’s something they are struggling with. And of course, only when their mental health provider thought it was appropriate, and only when their therapist or psychiatrist was present. My work with oncologists often centered around pain management, and issues of nausea and loss of appetite associated with cancer and cancer treatment. With cardiologists, they would call me in if they thought hypnosis would help someone to quit smoking.

Does somebody have to be motivated and willing to change for hypnosis to work?

Absolutely. In fact, if someone doesn’t want to change or doesn’t have an open mind—I won’t work with them. You can’t try hypnosis just because someone else wants you to change certain behaviors or thought patterns in your life. You have to want to change. 

It sounds like people still have control over their minds when they undergo hypnosis.

You are always in control. Nobody can be hypnotized if they don’t want to be. If you put up blocks and walls, it won’t work. I’m like a guide. You tell me where you want to go and I’ll help you to get there. I’ll teach you techniques to get you there, but it’s you doing it. 

Are there times when someone isn’t a good candidate for hypnosis?

Yes, that occasionally happens. When I have an initial consultation with someone, I listen to people very carefully, and if I hear certain words or pick up on certain feelings that let me know this is out of my realm of expertise—I will refer them to someone who can better help them. Also, I’ve worked with people with drug and/or alcohol addiction issues. But I will only work with them if they are in a program. If they aren’t, I tell them to call me back when they’re in treatment. I’m here to help support the work they’re doing in recovery, but I don’t believe hypnosis alone is appropriate for substance addiction. 

How would you describe hypnosis?

I’d say it’s similar to sleeping or meditation. It can be like that feeling just as you’re about to fall asleep and get into that dreamlike state, when your mind is quieting down and your body is relaxing. Some people describe the feeling as floating or their body feeling heavy. With hypnosis, we’re changing the script. We plant new seeds that grow, creating new brain pathways and positive connections. I also record every session so people can play it anytime they want. The more you reinforce positive messages and break negative or destructive pathways and patterns, the more effective hypnosis is.

Tell us about your book!

Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight teaches you how to change your thoughts and your behaviors to quit smoking for life and not use food as a substitute. Through the book, I teach you great tips and techniques so you can visualize, hypnotize and quit smoking at your own pace. The best part is, this book costs less than a pack of cigarettes and can help you save your life.

Any social media links?

Connect with me on Facebook and on my website!

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