People of Charlotte, please meet Colleen Cromer, a Charlotte creative. Colleen is constantly creating new things—from a piece of art with young children to a delicious meal for friends. She sees design everywhere, in every little detail, and continues to be inspired by this experience we call life.
Now let’s get to know Colleen’s story!
What’s one way you express your creativity?
I have practiced interior design in the Queen City part time for over 10 years. In 2019, I went full-time with my design work, opening a design studio in Myers Park and expanding my brand. I take pride in partnering with my clients to translate their needs, wants and visions into unique spaces that reflect their styles.
The common thread between all my businesses? People.
How did the pandemic introduce you to another thread of creativity?
During the wee hours of the COVID-19 crisis while trying to figure out how to keep my two kids safe and healthy, I conceptually birthed a kids’ face mask business. Five days later, Face Friends was born. It grew overnight, quickly expanding to adults. To date, we’ve sold almost 400 masks. I partnered with Foster Village Charlotte in this venture, donating $1 per mask sold to help provide foster families with essentials during the pandemic.
Breath work is so good for our immune system. How have you explored that idea?
In June, I completed my 200-hour Yoga teacher training in Integrated Hatha Yoga and recently launched Sacred Ground Studio. I have started teaching classes and offering free online meditations—I am hoping to expand to private, one-on-one sessions and events.
Your businesses and interests are interconnected. How so?
The common thread between all my businesses? People. Whether collaborating with clients to create a sacred living or working space, keeping families safe from the coronavirus, or helping others find healing through the sacred practice of yoga, my true passion is helping people create the day-in, day-out life that they truly enjoy.
Where can the people of Charlotte connect with you?
Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me! Please follow my Instagram accounts for news and events in all my endeavors: @colleencromerinteriors @facefriendsclt @sacredgroundstudio
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